Wednesday, June 23, 2021

American Conservatives Consistently Betrayed by the GOP

 Only 7% of polled Republicans wanted to make Juneteenth a holiday (Gallup). However, only 14 Republicans voted against it, and 2 abstained, while 195 voted for it ( Only 7% of Republicans in the House voted it against it, which is, in many ways, an inverse of what Republicans want. 

Essentially, the GOP is pretty opaque about the fact that it does not represent American interests and consistently loses the culture war, but the record is clear and duly recorded wherever honest records are kept. 

Mitch McConnell: Irish-American Loser

American conservatives wanted Pres. Trump (fiscally moderate, economic nationalist); they want to fight against immigration and Critical Race Theory, yet the GOP just talks about it sometimes, to entertain their base, and then votes for tax cuts for the oligarchs who promote immigration, CRT, and LGBTQ, and, indeed, billionaire donors like Paul Singer and the former Koch Brothers have been largely giving to the GOP in order to liberalize it. For those who do not know, Singer is a pro-LGBTQ Republican (Washington Blade). 

The GOP is the controlled opposition that American oligarchs have created to try to be a vent for religious & nationalist feeling, as well as the alternative voice for fiscal policy. Secular humanism & globalism are the actual philosophies of the Western oligarchs - and remember, you should refer to them as oligarchs, not as Capitalists, as they do not actually support Capitalism: they support welfare states and interventionism whenever it suits their interests, for these people are beyond market economies. They are too rich to want any more competition. 

The American conservatives, who consistently return to the GOP as battered wives, are largely ignorant of the big picture. But who can blame them? It is likely the case that a lot of this is due to the machinery of history, and not a conspiracy behind closed doors for most who are involved. 

Do not get me wrong: it is most certain that the super wealthy (who make up the oligarchy) do consciously plot their moves out and dictate policies to the newsroom and the politicians that they own without us being privy to it. But this is a battlefield that has been evolving decade after decade, so there are people in mainstream politics who still think of the game as not being rigged because they refuse to accept the idea that elections are determined largely through a competition to manufacture consent through the media, not through an honest public discussion of right and wrong...

Moreover, they believe in Whig history: they truly think that where we are today is the result of some kind of progress, and not from the machinations of elites. Or, in the case of conservatives, they view it also as a natural degeneration of the masses as a part of the great cycle of history. Both of these views do have some merit, and perhaps we can even say that the collusion of elites is to some degree the result of natural degeneration...

But this would ignore the most poignant thing: the corrupt elites and the losers that we have voted for to represent us in such a half-assed manner

True American conservatives should no longer tolerate the GOP. It is perhaps too much to say that they should bow out entirely from voting, but to have any amount of loyalty to the GOP, to call themselves 'Republicans' with the general meaning of the word, is to essentially label themselves fools or apathetic shoulder-shrugging doomers that just want to blend in while Rome burns. 

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