Monday, April 12, 2021

What They Mean by "White Supremacy"

 The word gets tossed out all the time, but seeing them actually define it is always useful:

"When I say white, I am not talking about skin pigmentation. I am talking about a worldview that embraces white supremacy. That includes many whites, but also a lot of brown and black bodies that also are white in their worldview.”"

Examples, De La Torre said, include U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, whose legal opinions have routinely supported the dominant culture, and Hispanics who supported Donald Trump.

Baptist News

White supremacy is basically Americans governing on behalf of typical American norms and views

The way that intersectionality, social justice, and hypermodernity work is to actively attack "whiteness" (traditional Western culture) and accuse it of all working for 'white supremacy.' This is in spite of the fact that it was the "white supremacist" system that appointed Justice Thomas, and that it was in the context of Western models for human rights and objectivity that the concept of universal human rights was born. 

Other peoples are allowed to have their own cultures and experiences, and they are encouraged to live those experiences and to share them widely. But, anyone who is living in a way that resembles traditional American perspectives is pathologized. 

To the social justice left, it is only possible to positively be part of a non-white cultures or to be a hypermodernist that actively disassociates oneself from traditional Western culture. 

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