Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Gabbard Takes a Stand for the Constitution

 It's really impressive to see a Democrat speaking out against the zeal & excesses of Democrat lawmakers who are attacking the US constitution:

Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, made headlines on Tuesday for asserting in a social media video that Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., and former CIA Director John Brennan should be considered "domestic enemies" of the U.S., deeming them a greater danger to the country than the rioters who stormed the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6.

Gabbard doubled down on her comments on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Tuesday. During her appearance, she denounced the violent demonstrators, but warned of efforts to combat domestic insurgents through surveillance and other monitoring activities.

"We recognize that those who stormed the Capitol on January 6 trying to stop Congress from fulfilling their constitutional responsibilities, they were acting as domestic terrorists undermining our Constitution," Gabbard told host Tucker Carlson.

"[However,] those like John Brennan, Adam Schiff and others are also acting as domestic terrorists because they are also undermining our constitution by trying to take away our civil liberties and rights that are guaranteed to us," she added.

Gabbard pointed to a video of Brennan telling MSNBC that Biden’s nominees and appointees "are now moving in laser-like fashion to try to uncover as much as they can" regarding activities that he said were reminiscent of "insurgency movements" that have risen up in other countries. In the same interview, Brennan likened libertarians to "religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, [and] nativists."

"This is the extent that they are going to try to undermine the rights and freedoms that are guaranteed to every one of us, and it's incredibly dangerous," Gabbard said.

Gabbard blamed tech industry leaders for assisting in this effort after social media companies like Twitter and Facebook blocked accounts that they say have posted inflammatory comments, including those of former President Donald Trump.

"Big Tech is culpable in this that they are using their monopolistic power to pick and choose whose voices are heard and whose voices are squelched, whether it’s based on who they agree with, disagree with, political affiliation, who you voted for," she said.

The former congresswoman urged viewers to "take a stand and unite around these principles in our constitution and continue to speak freely."

Citizens committed to upholding their constitutional freedoms "need to urge President Biden and every member of Congress how critical it is they take a stand and denounce the likes of John Brennan and Adam Schiff's actions.

"If we do not and if they do not," said Gabbard, "then this country that we love and cherish will no longer exist."

Fox News

What we are seeing is nothing short of a second Red scare, except this actually isn't the pursuit of Communists in the state department. 

It's attempting to get people who disagree with election results and have peacefully & patriotically made statements to be treated as pariahs and domestic terrorism threats. 

It's absolutely astonishing that it has gotten this far, but completely unsurprising given the way that democracy functions in the Western world. 

I think this is why so many great philosophers have no faith in democratic institutions because, as Plato pointed out, they eventually factory reset to oligarchy or anarchy. 

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