Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Why Monarchy Better Protects Liberty

People tell us democracy is important because liberty is important, but the end product they deliver us is a place like Sweden, France, or the UK, where you can be arrested for thought crime, and places like the USA, where this is the eventual goal that the left is pursuing, and even if they cannot arrest you... they can socially ostracize you & destroy you financially for agitating for a cause that counters their value system.

This is only moderately better than being thrown in Newgate prison for criticizing the mayor in late medieval London. At least when they threw you in Newgate, you were given a chance to fully recant and re-absorbed into society -- if not in London, somewhere else.

I am completely confident that a Monarch will do a better job protecting you from the mob more than the mob itself.

King Charles II of Engalnd, 1630-1685

This is because of the mistake that the democrat makes when they think that it is only the free market where businesses conquer one another & compete, exercising greater amounts of undue power, but this is manageable because it ends up bringing more profit to the people... 

It also occurs in government, and every sort of institution that can then be absorbed by the competing political entities to embellish its power is also absorbed. 

The democratic process itself becomes the enemy of freedom as the possession of mechanisms to disqualify, dominate, and destroy dissidents become weapons in the hands of the competing parties. 

It works just as a monopoly in the marketplace works. It has no mercy or respect for anything but its own power. 

And what makes this far more insidious than any business pursuing unlimited profits, is that it justifies itself in political terms. It casts itself as the hero, and those it vanquishes as villains, and within the political machinery even the cynic that knowingly wields power for the mere sake of power is rare to be seen. They are ideologues enslaved to their own perspective. 

The real ingredients for a free society are the actual constitution of freedom, the various layers of institutional inertia that keep it free, and whatever additional dynamic processes exist that may also thwart attempts at institutional capture. 

Hereditary institutions may actually grant greater amounts of freedom because the hereditary ruler is entirely dependent on maintaining the status quo as it is for his own power, and there is no access point for those who would befoul the liberty that is being enjoyed. 

The great irony is that the surest way to guarantee that a society remains free and does not enslave itself is perhaps a monarchy. 

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